Phonosemantic compound. 王 and 吕 represent the meaning and 今 represents the sound. 王 depicts a metal axe and 吕 depicts two metal plates.
Bronze script
Seal script
Clerical script
Regular script
Meaning component in 41 characters (23 verified)
錶 錢 钱 錯 劉 鐵 銷 鐘 錄 鎮 針 鏡 鍵 鎖 釘 钉 鑰 鍛 鉛 鉞 鉦 𨭗 𬭇 鉴 鑒 銜 鑿 釜 鑫 銮 鑾 鋈 鍪 鏖 錾 鎏 鏊 銎 鎣 蓥 鐾
Deleted component in 1 character (1 verified)